Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ronald McDonald = Rock Star

The stage was set.

Tears were shed.

The crowds were restless as they waited for his arrival.

And then, he showed up, big red shoes and all.

The children of Joseph-Beth rushed Ronald McDonald as he entered the scene, disbelief at the realization that the character on their McDonald's Happy Meal boxes was, in fact, a living and breathing entity. If you don't believe me, I would like to present Exhibit A:

The guy was like a modern day rock star. Not even Miley Cyrus would have elicited this reaction with this crowd. [Thank goodness they're too young for Miley.] Ronald hung around, made valentines, and read stories to the kids, passing out many stickers, magazines and smiles until it was nap time. A few strong ones stuck around for the encore performance of more magic tricks and pictures, all leaving completely satisfied.
All this to say, the valentine's making event at Joseph-Beth was a huge success. Not to mention, a ton of fun!

Now if only we had made some t-shirts, we could have made a profit...

Here are some more pictures for your rocking pleasure:

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