Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day 8 :: McTours & Conquering Facebook

Have you ever been to the races at Keeneland? You put on your cutest seersucker sundress, find the best seats that throwing elbows [politely, of course - we are in the South, after all] can find, and anxiously await that moment. You know the exact moment I'm talking about. That feverish moment when the crowd grows quiet in anticipation and the horses stomp their feet restlessly - the calm before the storm.

And then the gun is fired and pandemonium ensues.

Well, at Ronald McDonald House, consider the gun fired because we are off and running! And I'm excited to say that I'm no longer the only racehorse - ahem - intern. I'm now being joined by Erin, who will be mostly working with Debbie, and Marla, who will be Travis's pupil. I had the privilege of meeting them both yesterday morning for our McTour with Sarah. Yes, that's right - a McTour. [You can giggle a little at it if you want. I did.] In case you're wondering, a McTour consists of a full fledged tour of the House, from the main living room to the kitchen to that creepy storage room upstairs that requires you to shove the door open as much as possible before making a mad dash in the dark across the room to the light switch. I don't know whose idea it was to put the light switch out of arm's length from the door, but it wasn't a very good one. In the case that you don't make it to the light switch before the door shuts, then you have to just try to stay on your course, hoping you were going in the right direction. Conveniently, all the public relations materials are in this storage room, which I'm sure [knowing me] will pave the way for some hilarious stories of mishap down the road. Anyways, the tour did not include a mad dash for the light switch and all went according to plan. At the end of the tour we all sat down and went over our duties for the semester and talked about areas we would be overlapping in and how we could work together. After four weeks of being the only intern, I'm pretty excited to have some other people on board, too.

One thing I'm looking forward to is the upcoming event at Joseph-Beth next Saturday, which also happens to be Valentine's Day. Ronald McDonald will be there entertaining and I'll be running a booth where we'll have materials for families to make valentines for children in the critical care unit of Kentucky Children's Hospital. I'm in charge of making some mock valentines and preparing all the materials needed to make said valentines. This means cutting out a few hundred construction paper hearts, rationing glue use, and making sure kids don't ingest the glitter. I knew all those years of tutoring my mom's second graders would come in handy! In any case, I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day, but I have a feeling this may be the best one yet. We'll just have to see.

The most exciting part about Friday though was finally beating Facebook at its own game. For weeks now, Sarah and I have been wondering how to get a page on Facebook where members can make donations and for weeks we've come up with no answers. Until yesterday. Trying to find out how to get a causes page on Facebook is next to impossible because they hide it VERY well. But after many link clickings and wondering if Facebook has a phone number [?], I finally stumbled upon the page that allowed me to apply for a causes page. Moments after applying, RMHC of the Bluegrass got accepted and will soon be accepting donations and such online! That sounds extremely nerdy, I'm sure, but when the organization you're working for/supporting runs solely on donations, this is a big deal. In light of this, I'm assuming that a good deal of my time on Wednesday will be spent setting up that page and getting it running...much to Facebook's chagrin. [Insert semi-evil yet victorious laugh here.]

Well, it's 9.30 on a Saturday night and I have big plans with my Campaigns book and a movie and I don't want to be late! So many things to do and so little time in which to do them. I may not be wearing a seersucker dress, but the race is certainly on! :)

Until next time,

Sara Jane

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