Thursday, February 5, 2009

Days 3,4,5,6,7 :: Caution: Intern Black Hole!

Whoa. Where did the last two weeks just go?

I feel as though I fell asleep and had wild dreams involving snow, no power, and a pile of school work that mimicked the mounds of snow that was EVERYWHERE, only to awake and find that that dream had actually been my life.

So, that is where I have been the last two weeks, and I'm glad to report I have emerged successfully. [Well, almost. The mounds of school work seem to only grow...] Here's a quick catch-up, Weekend Update style!

Two weeks ago found me in the House, doing mostly organizational things that wouldn't sound too exciting if I wrote about them here. You'd probably just stop reading, so I'll spare you the details and say it involved e-updates and learning to use new software. [Day 3] However, at the end of that week [23 January, Day 4], I got to go on a field trip to the children's hospital to see the new Ronald McDonald Family Room! The room had just opened a few days earlier and it looked FANTASTIC. It was clean and bright, filled with vibrant colors and felt really comfortable. We didn't stay long so as to not disturb the people who were relaxing in there, but it was great to see the room as more than just empty floorboards and piles of dust. [Like the last time I saw it.] We got to talk to one of the volunteers who was getting ready to be interviewed by the Herald-Leader about the room and the volunteers who give up their time to be there. She was nervous, but excited to share her story. The H-L didn't disappoint and put out a great article that following Monday. You can read the article here.

The following week was a whirlwind -- like awaking to find you're in an inverted Oz -- a world of white. The week of the snowstorm hit hard, taking out all of the House's power, leaving no phone, washer, or microwave untouched. Sarah called me that Wednesday and told me not to come in because there was no power. [Day 5. Classes had been cancelled for the day at UK, so I got a legit snow day! Forgot how much I love those.] But I was surprised to find upon my arrival to the House on Friday [Day 6] that it was still without power, leaving the families in the dark and cold. I walked in and was immediately greeted by Travis who was running around like a crazy man, trying to make sure everyone and everything was taken care of. [That man is a trooper, by the way, working 14 hour days during all that bad weather. Trooper.]

Evidence in posted picture.

Luckily, we were able to dig out of the snow and it was back to normal yesterday. [Day 7] It was great to be back in the House and getting stuff done! Yesterday was a day of catch up and new projects. Example: on Valentine's Day, 14 February, Ronald McDonald will be at Joseph-Beth making valentines for sick children at the Ketucky Children's Hospital, and I get to join him there for the day! In lieu of this, I get to design mock valentines for the kids to mimic AND get to be there to help them make the cards. This could seriously be the best Valentine's Day I've ever had. [Although, not many would consider this a big feat.] So, come out and make valentine's with us! We'll be there from 11am to would make my Valentine's Day if you showed up! OH -- and the best part -- that day, if you come spend money at Joseph-Beth, they'll make a donation from each purchase to the Ronald McDonald Family Room! So, even if you don't want to make valentines, come buy something and you''ll still be doing something good!

Well, now that I'm back and you know I'm okay, I'm going to go to bed. Loooooong day ahead of me tomorrow, but expect to hear from me.

Until then,
Sara Jane

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