Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's Almost Post Time!

Remember the days when you were a kid and you would make big plans to play outside? You'd have a whole game of pirates or superheroes planned with your friends? Or your treehouse needed some maintenance such as making new knots in your rope swing or curtains made of leaves? [Maybe not all of you grew up playing in the woods like I did...If you didn't, these tasks may not sound important, but believe me, they were.] In any case, remember those days? You'd be really excited for the day to come, looking forward to getting down to kid business. [The best kind, I might add.]

And then it would rain.

All those big plans drowned in muddy puddles, your pirate battle delayed on account of tropical storm and your rope swing sighing at the thought of one more day with loose footings. You'd be stuck staring out the window, driving your mother crazy for the rest of the day as you restlessly sauntered about, erupting with the occasional exasperated sigh.

I'm hoping this Friday doesn't find me in the same boat. It's Wednesday, two days before our Keeneland event, and it's rainy and gross outside. The Weather Channel tells me that the forecast for Friday is sunny with a high of 71 degrees, but I'll believe it when I see it. Kentucky is famous for its turn-on-a-dime weather, which could pose as an ally or's hard to tell. The event is inside, so I don't have to worry about relocating or anything, but people are going to be all dressed up and it's no fun to dress up and go out in the nasty rain and wind. Here's keeping my fingers crossed for 71 and sunny!

For those of you coming on Friday, it's going to be a great time rain or shine! Can't wait to see everyone and spend a day at the racetrack!

And for those of you not able to make it, pictures and full summary will be available here and on Facebook!

See you all soon!

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